Below is an overview of key publications. For a complete overview see Google Scholar.
Selected Publications
Heterogeneity within the dopamine system:
J.W. de Jong, Y. Liang, J.P.H. Verharen, K.M. Fraser & S. Lammel (2024) State and rate-of-change encoding in parallel mesoaccumbal dopamine pathways Nature Neuroscience.
J.W. de Jong, K.M. Fraser & S. Lammel (2022) Mesoaccumbal Dopamine Heterogeneity: What Do Dopamine Firing and Release Have to Do with It? Annual Review of Neuroscience.
The role of dopamine in the processing of aversive events:
H. Yang, J.W. de Jong, I. Cerniauskas, J.R. Peck, B.K. Lim, H. Gong, H.L. Fields & S. Lammel (2021) Pain modulates dopamine neurons via a spinal–parabrachial–mesencephalic circuit Nature Neuroscience.
J.W. de Jong, S.A. Afjei, I. Pollak Dorocic, J.R. Peck, C. Liu, C.K. Kim, … S. Lammel (2019) A Neural Circuit Mechanism for Encoding Aversive Stimuli in the Mesolimbic Dopamine System. Neuron.
The role of dopamine in motivation for food and drugs of abuse:
J.P.H. Verharen, J.W. de Jong, T.J.M. Roelofs, C.F.M. Huffels, R. van Zessen, M.C.M. Luijendijk, … L.J.M.J. Vanderschuren (2018) A neuronal mechanism underlying decision-making deficits during hyperdopaminergic states. Nature Communications.
J.W. de Jong, L.J. Vanderschuren, R.A. Adan (2016) The mesolimbic system and eating addiction: what sugar does and does not do. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences.
J.W. de Jong, T.J.M. Roelofs, F.M.U. Mol, … R.A. Adan (2015) Reducing Ventral Tegmental Dopamine D2 Receptor Expression Selectively Boosts Incentive Motivation. Neuropsychopharmacology.
In the News
‘Het fijne gevoel is een waarneming van smaak’ (Dutch) NRC November 2020
Dopamine’s yin-yang personality: It’s an upper and a downer Berkeley News, December 2018
Suiker is belonend, maar minder verslavend dan drugs (Dutch) Volkskrant July 2015